Mighty Fitness

Documentation Version 2.0


First of all, Thank you so much for purchasing this application and for being our loyal customer.

This documentation is to help you regarding set up.


This project have required following depandency

Laravel Requirements (Server Requirements)

  1. PHP 7.4, 8.0
  2. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  3. PDO PHP Extension
  4. Mbstring PHP Extension
  5. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  6. XML PHP Extension
  7. Ctype PHP Extension
  8. JSON PHP Extension
  9. GD PHP Extension (or Imagick PHP Extension)
  10. PHP Fileinfo extension
  11. PHP Zip Archive
  12. Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)
  13. Server Requirements( Link )
  14. MySQL 5.7+ ( Link )

PHP.INI Requirements

  1. open_basedir must be disabled

File and folder permissions

  1. /bootstrap 775
  2. /storage 775 (recursively)

Flutter/iOS Requirements

  1. Android Studio: Koala | 2024.1.1
  2. Flutter SDK: 3.22.x

File Structure

Here is the general File structure of the laravel:

    • app
      • Console
      • Exceptions
      • Helper
      • Http
        • Controllers
          • Auth
            • API
        • Middleware
        • Requests
        • Resources
      • Model
      • Notifications
      • Providers
    • bootstrap
    • config
    • database
    • node_modelus
    • public
      • css
      • js
      • images
    • resources
      • css
      • js
      • lang
      • views
    • routes
    • storage
    • tests
    • .editorconfig
    • .env.example
    • .styleci.yml
    • .htaccess
    • artisan
    • composer.json
    • package.json
    • phpunit.xml
    • README.md
    • server.php
    • tailwind.config.js
    • webpack.config.js
    • webpack.mix.js

Here is the general File structure of the application:

  • app
  • lang
  • lib
    • models
    • network
    • screens
    • store
    • utils
      • Colors.dart
      • Common.dart
      • Constant.dart
  • pubspec.yaml

App Features

  1. Social Login
  2. Body Parts, Equipment, Level wise Exercises
  3. Workouts with day wise
  4. Diet plans
  5. Blogs
  6. ChatGPT
  7. Step counts
  8. Calculate BMI
  9. Weight and Heart Rate Matrics
  10. Notifications
  11. Search workouts based on workout types and equpiments
  12. Search Exercises based on equiments, levels
  13. Search blogs, products & diets
  14. Subscriptions
  15. Payments
  16. Favourite Diets and Workouts
  17. Admob
  18. Multi-Language Support
  19. Theme Support
  20. Assigned Workouts and diets
  21. Text to Speech

Admin Features

  1. Manage Users
  2. Manage Body Parts
  3. Manage Equipments
  4. Manage Workouts and Workout Types
  5. Manage Levels
  6. Manage Diets
  7. Manage Blogs
  8. Manage Subscriptions
  9. Push Notifications
  10. Notifications
  11. App Settings
  12. Assigned workouts and diets plans to particular user
  13. Handle Subscription plans of users

Laravel Configuration (Backend API)

  1. Create Database
  2. Upload the Codes in below directory based on your server
    In Linux
    Path: var/www/html/
    In cPanel:
    Inside File manager -> Path: public_html/
  3. For database settings, open the .env file with a text editor and set your database settings.
    Note: .env is a hidden file, you can see it by opening directory to a text editor.

Steps to be follow for getting started with the template:

Laravel Configuration

App Configuration

                                                        APP_NAME="your app name"
  1. Open and edit the /.env file and provide following details:
  2. Enter App name, App env, App debug and App url
    Run in terminal or CMD: php artisan key:generate

Database Configuration

  1. Create the database on your server
  2. Open and edit the /.env file and provide your server details:
  3.                                                         DB_CONNECTION=mysql
  4. Open and edit the /.env file and provide following details:
  5. After that run in terminal or CMD,
    Note: Only necessary for those, who is setup project first time.
     php artisan migrate --seed

    Note: When you update new code then run in terminal or CMD for new table migration,

    php artisan migrate

  6. If you are facing problem to migrate database using command then, import the mightyfitness.sql file in your database. You will find the sql file in mightyfitness/mightyfitness.sql.
    Already imported mightyfitness.sql

    If you have already imported mightyfitness.sql file than you need to import alter-mightyfitness.sql file. ( Note : Not Necessary for those,who is setup project first time. )

Mail Configuration

  1. Open and edit the /.env file and provide following details:
  2.                                                         MAIL_MAILER=your mail mailer
                                                            MAIL_HOST=your mail host
                                                            MAIL_PORT=your mail port
                                                            MAIL_USERNAME=your mail id
                                                            MAIL_PASSWORD=your mail password
                                                            MAIL_ENCRYPTION=your mail encryption
  3. Enter mail host name, mail port, mail username( Mail ID ), mail password and mail encryption type.
  4. Note If you configure Gmail SMTP then, you have to Generate App Password. Follow this link: Click Here

Onesignal Configuration

  1. In Admin Panel Go to Setting -> Mobile Configuration -> ONESIGNAL
  2. Open and edit the /.env file and provide following details:
  3.                                                         ONESIGNAL_APP_ID=
  4. If you want to enable onesignal notifications you have set,
  1. Link your storage folder to public folder. Run in your project root directory (where you uploaded code) terminal or CMD:
    php artisan storage:link

    After this if you are facing a problem storage link using command please follow the below steps: ln -s

                                                                ln -s /home/your_application/storage/app/public /home/your_application/public/storage

    Also set your APP_URL=yourappurl


Cron jobs for Subscription

  1. For Automatically inactive the user plan you have to setup the cron job to your server. Follow the below steps
  2. ssh into your server, get inside your project with cd your-laravel-project and run the following command.
  3.                                                         crontab -e
  4. It will open the Crontab file, and you need to assimilate the following code in the same file. Don’t forget to replace /path/to/artisan with the full path to the custom Artisan command of the Laravel project.
  5.                                                         * * * * * cd /your-project-path && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Job Queue Configuration

  1. To notify subscribed users about a new blog post, the admin can click on the 'Send Email to Subscribers' button in the admin panel. This will send an email to all subscribed users with details about the new blog. To do this follow this step.
  2.                                                         /your-php-path /your-project-path queue:work --queue=default --sleep=3 --tries=3 2>&1

Admin Credentials

                                                            Email    : [email protected]
                                                            Password : 12345678

Theme Color

  1. Install node_modules Run in terminal or CMD:
  2.                                                         npm install
  3. We use a subset of all colors to create a smaller color palette for generating color schemes, also available as Scss variables in public/scss/hope-ui-design-system/_variable.scss file.
  4. More Customization will be done in variable file.

  5. To build css and js for Run in terminal or CMD:
  6.                                                         npm run dev


Install flutter on windows

  • Download Android Studio

    Click here
  • Get the Flutter SDK

    1. Install https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install flutter_sdk

      Extract the zip file and copy flutter folder into your desired installation location for the Flutter SDK (eg. C:\src\flutter; do not install Flutter in a directory like C:\Program Files\).

    2. Update your path flutter_sdk
    3. Now set your enviournment variable
    4. From the Start search bar in , type ‘env’ and select Edit environment variables for your account
    5. Under User variables check if there is an entry called Path:
    6. Click on Edit. New Dialog open from it click on new and copy full path to flutter\bin as its value
    7. Now Restart your pc for changes to take effect
    8. flutter_win2
    9. Now check everything is ok or not
    10. Open cmd and run flutter doctor as shown the below picture
    11. flutter_win3
    12. Now open Android Studio and create new flutter project then select your flutter sdk file to the location where we have downloaded earlier and that's it
    13. flutter_sdk_path
  • Learn more about Android Studio - Click here
  • JAVA_HOME path set in system .env file Click Here

Install flutter on mac

  • Download Android Studio - Click here
  • Download Xcode - Click here
  • Get the Flutter SDK - Click here
    1. Install Click here flutter_sdk

      Extract downloaded file, just double click on that. and just copy extracted folder and paste it to your desired location (for example, Documents\flutter).

    2. Update your path


      Path variable needs to be updated to access “flutter” command from terminal. you can just update path variable for current terminal window only. and if you want to access flutter commands from anywhere in terminal, we need to update SDK path permanently.

      To update PATH variable, we need to open terminal.

      To update PATH variable for current terminal window only, then enter this command "export PATH="$PATH:`pwd`/flutter/bin"" and hit enter key.

      To update PATH variable permanently, then Open or create .bash_profile file. to open or create that file, then enter "sudo open -e $HOME/.bash_profile" and hit enter key.

      Append below line to bash_profile file at bottom of all other content. "export PATH="$PATH:[PATH_TO_FLUTTER_GIT_DIRECTORY]/flutter/bin"" as [PATH_TO_FLUTTER_GIT_DIRECTORY] is actual path of SDK folder.

      Run this command on terminal "source $HOME/.bash_profile" to refresh PATH variables.

      Then check whether our SDK is successfully installed or not.

      You are now ready to run Flutter commands in the Flutter Console!

      Run "flutter doctor" into terminal, If you are getting check list of flutter sdk requirements, it means SDK is successfully installed on your machine. and you can start building flutter apps on your machine.

      If you find any issue during environment setup in macos, please go online Click here

Install flutter on linux

  • Download Android Studio - Click here
  • Get the Flutter SDK - Click here
    1. Install Click here

      Extract downloaded file, just double click on that. and just copy extracted folder and paste it to your desired location (for example, Documents\flutter).

    2. Update your path


      Path variable needs to be updated to access “flutter” command from terminal. you can just update path variable for current terminal window only. and if you want to access flutter commands from anywhere in terminal, we need to update SDK path permanently.

      You’ll probably want to update this variable permanently, so you can run flutter commands in any terminal session. To update PATH variable, we need to open terminal.

      export PATH="$PATH:[PATH_TO_FLUTTER_GIT_DIRECTORY]/flutter/bin"

      1. Run source $HOME/. to refresh the current window, or open a new terminal window to automatically source the file.
      2. Verify that the flutter/bin directory is now in your PATH by running:

      echo $PATH

      Verify that the flutter command is available by running:

      which flutter

      You are now ready to run Flutter commands in the Flutter Console!

How to create admob account

  • In the Admob console, click add android app from the Apps menu.
  • AD1
  • Enter your app name and Enabling user metrics is not necessary to complete this codelab. However, we recommend that you do because it allows you to understand user behavior in more detail and click on ADD APP button.
  • AD2
  • Create ad units.
  • AD3
  • Select Banner unit ad and enter banner unit ad name then click on Create ad Unit button. Same procedure follow to create Interstitial ad)
  • AD4
  • Then add another unit add shown in below image and Same as above create Interstitial ads and native ads.
  • AD5
  • Same as Add iOS app and same as add units in iOS app.
  • Add your ad unit id same way explain in previous step.

App Configuration

Android Configuration



Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for Mobile, Web, and Desktop from a single codebase. It is gaining popularity rapidly due to its ease of learning and development efficiency


To develop a Flutter project, you will need the following requirements:

  1. Flutter SDK: Flutter is an open-source framework developed by Google for building cross-platform applications. You need to download and install the Flutter SDK, which includes the Flutter framework, Dart programming language, and various command-line tools.
  2. Integrated Development Environment (IDE): While you can use any text editor to write Flutter code, it is recommended to use an IDE for better productivity. The popular choices for Flutter development are Android Studio, Visual Studio Code (with Flutter and Dart extensions), and IntelliJ IDEA (with Flutter plugin).
  3. Dart programming language: Flutter uses the Dart programming language. When you install the Flutter SDK, it includes the Dart SDK as well. You don't need to separately install Dart
  4. Device setup: Depending on your target platform(s), you will need to set up the necessary devices for testing your Flutter app. For Android, you need to have Android Studio installed and set up an Android Virtual Device (AVD) or connect a physical Android device. For iOS, you need a Mac computer with Xcode installed.
  5. Flutter dependencies: Depending on the specific requirements of your project, you may need to include additional Flutter dependencies. These dependencies can be added to your project's pubspec.yaml file, and Flutter's package manager, called pub, will handle the installation and management of these dependencies.
  6. Firebase Account: There are various functionality which require Firebase Setup. Features like Social Login , Chat Module and Notifications.
  7. Git: Although not mandatory, having a version control system like Git is highly recommended for tracking changes in your project and collaborating with other developers if needed.

Additionally, having a basic understanding of programming concepts, object-oriented programming (OOP), and the Flutter framework's architecture will greatly help in developing Flutter projects effectively.

Keep in mind that Flutter is a rapidly evolving framework, so it's a good practice to stay updated with the latest releases and changes by referring to the official Flutter documentation and community resources.


  1. Flutter & Dart SDK:
  2. Choose an IDE:
    • You can use any IDE such as Android Studio, Visual Studio Code, or IntelliJ IDEA for Flutter development.
  3. Set up Your Editor:
  4. Git: Although not mandatory, having a version control system like Git is highly recommended for tracking changes in your project and collaborating with other developers if needed.

For detailed installation instructions and troubleshooting, refer to the official Flutter documentation.

Basic Installation

Important: Choose Your Platform And Follow Steps To Build And Run Application.

Install Flutter And Dart Plugins

Android Studio
  1. Open Android Studio.
  2. Go to Preferences(on macOS) or Settings (on Windows/Linux).
  3. Select Plugins from the left sidebar.
  4. Click on the Marketplace tab.
  5. Search for "Flutter" in the search bar.
  6. Install the "Flutter" plugin by clicking on the green Install button.
  7. Install "Dart" Plugin.
  8. Restart Android Studio when prompted.
Visual Studio Code
  1. Visual Studio Code
  2. Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the square icon in the Sidebar.
  3. Search for "Flutter" in the Extensions Marketplace.
  4. Click on the "Install" button for the "Flutter" extension provided by the Flutter team.
  5. Install "Dart" Plugin same way.
  6. After installation, you may need to restart Visual Studio Code to enable the extension.
IntelliJ IDEA
  1. Open IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. Go to File → Settings (on Windows/Linux) or IntelliJ IDEA → Preferences (on macOS).
  3. Go to File → Settings (on Windows/Linux) or IntelliJ IDEA → Preferences (on macOS).
  4. Click on the Marketplace tab.
  5. Search for "Flutter" in the search bar.
  6. Install the "Flutter" plugin by clicking on the green install button.
  7. Install the "dart" plugin same way.
  8. Restart IntelliJ IDEA when prompted.

Basic Setup

Here are the requirements for mobile configuration in Markdown format:


Firebase provides tools to grow your app and business, offering fully managed backend infrastructure and features for app development. Visit Firebase for more information.

Payment Methods

Mighty Fitness Laravel currently supports eight payment gateways. Here Some two examples are given below.

  • Rozerpay Payment
  • Stripe Payment

Open Android Module

  • The Android module can be accessed in Two ways:
  1. Select the Android Module from the same project you're attempting to open by going to File -> Open.
  2. change_app_label

  3. Navigate to Tools -> Flutter -> Android Studio -> Open Android Module.
  4. change_app_label

Change Application Name

In the main directory, go to open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml and specify your application name.


Change Application Icon


Android Studio includes a tool called Image Asset Studio that helps you generate your own app icons from material icons, custom images, and text strings. It generates a set of icons at the appropriate resolution for each pixel density that your app supports. Image Asset Studio places the newly generated icons in density-specific folders under the res/ directory in your project. At runtime, Android uses the appropriate resource based on the screen density of the device your app is running on.

Image Asset Studio helps you generate the following icon types:

  • Launcher icons Adaptive & Legacy
  • Legacy Launcher Icon
  • Action bar and Tab Icons
  • Notification icons
  • Tv Banner
  • Tv Channel Icon

For More Details You can checkout Android Studio Editor Guide for creating Android Icons.

Generate Icon Process
  • Configure Image Asset
    • Choose Icon type
    • Set Icon Name
    • Choose Asset Type
    • Customize Icon (Resize , Trim , Padding)
  • Confirm Icon Path
    • Choose Mode for Icon
    • Finish

Generate App Launcher Icon
Method 1 : Use Android Studio To Generate Launcher Icons
  • Go to android/app/src/main/res folder.
  • Right-click on the res folder and select Image → Asset News.


Foreground Layer : The foreground layer is the primary part of the icon that contains the main visual elements. It's the layer that the user selects the source asset for, which can be an image, clip art or text.

Background Layer : The background layer is the area behind the foreground layer. It can be used to add a background color or image element to the icon. If you don't want green background for laucher Icon then set background layer suitable to your Launcher Icon.


  • Choose Icon Type - "Launcher icons Adaptive & Legacy"
  • Select the path of your Image and press Next.
  • Select App mode for app Icon.
  • Then Press Finish.

Method 2 : Generate Online

The basic process of this website is -

  • Choose Asset type
  • Basic Configuration
  • Choose Device Type
  • Generate and Get the Zip
  • After extracting zip you get res folder replace it with your android/app/src/main – res folder

Generate Notification Icon

  • Go to android/app/src/main/res folder.
  • Right-click on the res folder and select New → Image Asset.
  • Choose Icon Type - "Notification"
  • Select the path of your Image and press Next.
  • Select App mode for app Icon.
  • Then Press Finish.


Change notification icon in Androidmanifest.xml

  • Navigate to android/app/src/main.
  • Open your Androidmanifest.xml and check for lines below. If not exist just add this line otherwise Paste the Name of Icon you just created into “android:resource“.


Update notification icon name into "lib → utils → push_notification_service.dart" Follow the Steps mentioned in Flutter Configuration

Add Google JSON File


As part of enabling Google APIs or Firebase services in your Android application, you need to set up Firebase and download the Google JSON file.

Click Here to set up Firebase and download the Google JSON file.

Generate Signed APK

To generate a signed APK (Android Package), follow these steps:

  1. Open the build menu and Select Generate Signed Bundle/APK.Choose APK and click Next.
  2. change_app_label


  3. Now you will have two options create a new Keystore or choose existing keystore.
    • If you choose to create a new keystore:
    • A dialogue will appear, prompting you to specify the path of the keystore and give it a name.
    • Enter your password and confirm it.
    • Select the alias name.
    • Confirm the password.
    • Enter any additional information if required.
    • Click OK to create your keystore.
  • If you choose to use an existing keystore, simply select it.
  • change_app_label

    After selecting your keystore or creating a new one, click Next.


    Choose the release mode and proceed with building the APK.



    If you intend to publish your app on the Google Play Store, you will need the AAB (Android App Bundle) format. To create an AAB, follow the same steps mentioned above, but in step 2, select the AAB option instead of APK.

    Change The Application Id


    Every Android app has a unique application ID that looks like a Java package name, such as com.example.myapp. This ID uniquely identifies your app on the

    device and in the Google Play Store. Once you publish your app, you should never change the Application ID.

    • For Application ID, change the applicationId in the app/build.gradle file.
    • Locate the build.gradle file at this path: android/app/build.gradle.

    Change The Version Name


    The version name is a string value that represents the "friendly" version name displayed to the users. The version name is displayed to the user.

    • For Version Name, change the versionName in the build.gradle file at the app level.
    • Locate the build.gradle file at this path: android/app/build.gradle.

    Change The Version Code


    The version code is an incremental integer value that represents the version of the application code. The version code is used by the Google Play Store for new updates. If you increase the version code, the update will be visible to all users.

    • For Version Name, change the versionName in the build.gradle file at the app level.
    • Locate the build.gradle file at this path: android/app/build.gradle.

    Change The App Name From Manifest File


    To change the name of your Android application in Android Studio, you have to change the value of the property android:label defined inside the node in AndroidManifest.xml.


    Setup Firebase

      1. For Firebase setup, you just need to change the android/app/google-services.json file.
      2. Create a new firebase account, register your application with your package name.
      3. Now download the google-services.json file and replace with current.
      4. Refer to Link
      5. update_google_json

    Setup Admob

      1. For AdMob setup, you just need to change the app id in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file
      2. For that, you have to create a firebase account and create a new application in AdMob. and then you will get application id. Refer Create Admob Account
      3. Now, replace value with your new generated application id.

      4. change_admob

    Generate Signed APK & AAB

    1. Go to your project -> Tools -> Flutter -> Open for Editing in Android Studio as shown below
    2. logo
    3. Open Project in New Window
    4. Wait for while until project synchronization. After that Go to Build -> GenerateSigned Bundle/APK...
    5. logo
    6. Select Android App Bundle or APK Option as per your need. (Android App Bundle is best solution) and click Next button.
    7. logo
    8. Select Create new.. option to generate new Signed key (When you release your app First Time) and Fill all options. Refer this link
    9. logo

    10. Click Next button and you will get following screen...
    11. logo

      Select Build variants - release and Signature versions both V1 and V2 respectively as shown above screen shot and click Finish button.

    12. Wait for a while until Gradle Build Running process complete.and finally you will get the Generate Signed APK : (APKs) generated successfully. from that click on Locate option to get Location of your Generate Signed APK Key.

    Install Flutter SDK

    • Install Flutter SDK depending on your OS.
    • Extract the Zip.
    • Tip

      To Keep Flutter SDK easily manageable we recommend few tips for Storing sdk.

      • Create flutter_sdk folder.
      • Extract the zip into the "flutter_sdk" directory.
      • Rename the extracted directory with relevant flutter_version (i.e If you have installed flutter 3.22.0 than rename the directory as "flutter_3_22_0")
    • Copy the Flutter path to the bin directory. (i.e - Right Click on bin directory and open properties/info, you can see the full path to Flutter "bin" directory)

    How to build App and Run

    Build and Run Your Application

    Follow these steps to set up and run your application:

    1. Download the Project:
      • Download the project from CodeCanyon and unzip it.
    2. Locate the Mobile Apps Folder:
      • After unzipping the file, locate the mobile apps folder. Inside, you'll find two projects.
    3. Choose Project to Open:
      • Optionally, you can copy both projects to a new location. For this guide, we'll open the "user app" project.
      • Open Android Studio and click on the "Open" button.
    4. Open Project in Android Studio:
      • Locate the project you want to work with and open it.
    5. Enable Dart Support:
      • First, enable Dart support in the settings or by opening the main.dart file.
      • Look for the Enable Dart option in the right corner and click on it to enable Dart.
    6. Get Dependencies:
      • After enabling Dart support, the Get Dependencies option will appear.
      • Click on it to fetch the project dependencies. Any existing errors should disappear automatically after this step.


      If errors persist, try one of the following two steps:

      • Restart Android Studio.
      • Follow these steps:
        • Select Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Clean
        • Select Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Pub Get
        • Select Tools -> Flutter -> Flutter Upgrade
        • Select File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart

    7. Connect Device or Launch Emulator:
      • Connect your device to the computer or launch the emulator.
      • Run the project after connecting the device and wait for it to deploy on the device.

    How To Generate New JKS/Keystore

    Method 1 - Using Terminal

    1. Run the following command in your terminal
    2. keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/.jks -alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

      • Example command:
      • keytool -genkey -v -keystore android/example.jks -alias example -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000


    • JKS File Name: example
    • Alias Name: example

    The command will generate a JKS file in your android directory. The validity of the keystore certificate is set to 10,000 days. If you don't add "-validity ", the default value will be 90 days.

    Note: If you encounter an error like 'Command 'keytool' not found', you'll also receive a suggestion to install keytool. Follow the suggestion and execute the command to install 'keytool'.

    After installing keytool, run the 'keytool' command again and complete the process again.


    Method 2 - Using Android Studio

    1. Open your Android module. Wait for a while to complete the import process for the 'android' Gradle project.
    2. Open the build menu from the Menu bar and Select Generate Signed Bundle/APK. Choose APK and click Next.
    3. logo


    4. In the resulting dialog, for the Key store path field, choose Create New to open the New Key Store dialog.
    5. logo

      When you click on Create New it will open a dialog to choose keystore file.

      • Choose the path where you want to store your keystore/jks file. In this example we're storing it at android directory of Project
      • Just Add keystore filename in File name field.

    6. Add Keystore Password, Key Alias , Alias Password. Add Details in Certificate section then press Ok.
    7. logo


    These Keystore File Path,Keystore Password, Key Alias , Alias Password, you've to set in keystore.properties file which will be in android directory of project. If it's not available then just right click on android directory → New → File and name it as 'key.properties'. Then you can perform steps mentioned here

    How to generate the SHA from Android Studio

    1. Create a file in android folder of your project name key.properties if not exists.
    2. Add properties and it's value below

    3. logo

    4. Add following line to your Android/app/build.gradle file above the all apply plugin lines (Check if this line already exist or not)
    5. logo

    6. Now in app:build.gradle android block check for below lines if not exist Add into your Android/app/build.gradle

    7. logo

    8. Open your terminal and enter following command
    9. logo


  • Wait for a while it will generate your SHA Copy Both SHA1 and SHA256 for variant & config Debug and Release and add to Firebase
  • Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Creation and Installation Guide

    Step 1: Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

    1. Open Keychain Access on your Mac.
    2. Navigate to Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority.

    3. logo

    4. Add email address,and CA email Address and common name for the certificate. (You can use common name as your App Name)
    5. Choose "Save To Disk"
    6. Click Continue and save the CSR file to your computer.

    7. logo

    Step 2: Generate .p12 Certificate

    1. Go to the your Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
    2. Click on Certificates.
    3. Click the add button (+).
    4. Choose "Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production)" from Service Section
    5. logo

    6. Select the appropriate App ID for which you want to generate the certificate.
    7. logo

    8. Click Continue and upload the CSR file.
    9. Download the certificate.

    Step 3: Install the Certificate

    1. Double-click the downloaded certificate file to install it in your Keychain Access.
    2. Go to Keychain Access > My Certificates and locate the newly installed certificate.
    3. Right-click (or control-click) on the certificate and select Export.
    4. Choose a location to save the certificate and select .p12 as the file format.
    5. Enter a password and confirm it. Note - Store your password at safe place because whenever you'll run the App XCode will ask for keychain access password. If you don't want to be asked password everytime you run, you can keep password empty.

    iOS Configuration

    Open Project in Android Studio

    1. Open android studio in your project.
    2. Open terminal in android studio.
    3. flutter pub get
    4. Open terminal cd ios.
    5. pod install.
    6. run project in xcode.

    Open Project in Xcode

    1. Open Xcode on your Mac computer.
    2. In Xcode, go to the File menu and select "Open" or use the keyboard shortcut "Command + O".
    3. Navigate to the directory of your Flutter project on your computer.
    4. Inside your Flutter project directory, locate the ios folder and open it.
    5. Look for a file with the extension ".xcworkspace" or ".xcodeproj" within the ios folder. This file represents your Xcode project for the Flutter app
    6. Select the ".xcworkspace" or ".xcodeproj" file and click on the "Open" button.

    Xcode should then open your Flutter project, allowing you to build, run, and modify your iOS app using the Xcode IDE. Please note that before opening your project in Xcode, you need to ensure that you have set up Flutter and the necessary dependencies for iOS development.

    Change Bundle Name

    1. Select your project file icon in the Group and Files panel.
    2. In the Xcode navigation pane, find and select your project file (usually denoted by the blue icon with your project name).
    3. In the main editor area, you should see the project settings. Select the target for which you want to change the Bundle Name. Targets are usually listed under the Targets section in the project settings.
    4. With the target selected, navigate to the "Info" tab.
    5. Scroll down to the "Custom iOS Target Properties" section, and locate the "Bundle Name" key.
    6. Double-click on the value field next to "Bundle Name" and enter the desired name for your bundle.
    7. After changing the Bundle Name, make sure to save your changes by clicking on the "File" menu and selecting "Save" or using the keyboard shortcut "Command + S".

    By following these steps, you can change the Bundle Name for your iOS target in Xcode.


    The Bundle Identifier is a unique identifier of your app on iOS and macOS. It must be unique for your app.

    1. Select your project file icon in the Group and Files panel.
    2. Select the General tab.
    3. In the Identity section, rename your Bundle Identifier.

    Change App Icons

    Visit the Website -

    The basic process of this website is -

    • Choose Asset type
    • Basic Configuration
    • Choose Device Type
    • Download and Get the Zip
    • After extracting zip you get ios folder. Copy all inside ios folder and paste it into ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset

    Google SignIn

    To enable Google SignIn in your app:

    • Register your app on Firebase.
    • Make sure that GoogleService-Info.plist is the name of the file you downloaded from Firebase.
    • Move or copy the GoogleService-Info.plist into the [My_project]/ios/Runner folder.
    • Open Xcode, right-click on the Runner directory, and select Add files into Runner.
    • Select the GoogleService-Info.plist file from the file manager.
    • In the dialog that appears, select the Runner target.
    • Add the following CFBundleURLTypes attributes into the [My_project]/ios/Runner/Info.plist file.
    • Run your project.
    • logo

    SignIn with Apple

    To enable SignIn with Apple in your project:

    • Open the project in Xcode.
    • Go to the Project Editor, choose your target, and open the Signing & Capabilities panel.
    • Click the Library button (+) to open the Capabilities library (or choose Editor > Sign in with Apple).
    • Run your project.

    Change App Icons

    1. see How to Generate App Icons?
    2. In Group and files panel find “Assets.xcassets” folder.
    3. In Assets.xcassets folder replace AppIcon.


    How to create firebase on iOS

    1. Open firebase console with login your account
    2. Firebase Link
    1. Here you need to add bundle id (Apple Unique Identifier for your application.) Whatever bundle identifier you put here, you need to put the same in the iOS application.
    2. Click Register App button
    3. logo
    1. Click Download Plist file and store it in your computer, because we will need it in a second.
    2. logo
    1. Go to your project you downloaded and navigate to project folder
    2. Find folder iOS and go inside
    3. Find folder Runner and go inside
    4. Replace the GoogleService-Info.plist file with the one you just downloaded
    5. logo

    Flutter Configuration For App

    Change Base URL

  • In the main directory, go to lib → app_config.dart
    1.                                                         const APP_NAME ="ADD_YOUR_DOMAIN_URL"

    Change Primary Color

  • In the main directory, go to lib → utils → app_colors.dart

  • logo

    Change One Signal Key

  • In main directory goto the lib -> utils -> app_config.dart
    1.                                                         const mOneSignalID = 'CHANGE_ONE_SIGNAL_KEY';

    Change App Images

  • In main directory goto the assets folder and repalce the images.

  • Note: Please do not change any image name

    How to integrate Chat GPT

    • 1. Sign up here https://beta.openai.com/signup. You can use your Google or Microsoft account to sign up if you don't want to create using an email/password combination. You may need a valid mobile number to verify your account.
    • Now, visit your OpenAI key page https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys or click the menu item "API keys"
    • Create a new key by clicking the "Create new secret key" button. and You can use this key in your applications.
    • Cost: Please note that you will be charged based on your monthly usage.
    • For more detail. Refer to this link. Click Here

    OneSignal Configuration

    • Create onesignal project in your account and click setup platform redirect in settings->platforms-> Choose android platform
    • logo
    • After choose platform -> android configration, Generate json file and follow below link for how to generate JSON file
    • Click here

    • Choose Target SDK as Flutter and click Save & Continue
    • logo
    • Now copy App ID as shown below and click on Save & Continue to complete your setup
    • logo
    • In main directory goto the lib -> utils -> app_config.dart file and repalce the one signal at line number 21.
    • logo
    • Go to Setting -> Keys & IDs in OneSignal project and copy 'Rest API Key'
    • logo
    • You have connected android application to your Onesignal account successfully
    • How to change OneSignal Logo

      1. You can genrate and download your onesignal logo to Click here
      2. Add Downloaded that folder. Afte that open your project and replace the folder. Go to android -> app -> src -> main -> res folder

    How to integrate firebase

        Create A New Firebase Project

      1. We are creating the "Flutter App" sample project
      2. logo



      3. After completing the project, you will be presented with this type of dashboard
      4. logo

      5. Go to the Project Settings and configure the Support Email.
      6. logo

        Add App With The Package Name In Firebase Console

      7. On the Firebase console, click the Android icon.
      8. logo

      9. Enter Package Name (e.g., com.example.userApp) and click on register app.
      10. logo

      11. After registering the app, you will receive the Google JSON file, download it and save it to the android/app/ folder.
      12. logo

      13. You have connected andorid application to your firebase project successfully
      14. Now download the google-services.json file and replace with current.
      15. update_google_json

        Set Up Firebase Authentication

      16. Go to Build -> Authentication tab and click on Get started.
      17. logo

      18. Then select the Email/Password, Google, Apple one by one and enable them.
      19. logo

      20. Re-check if all these 3 modes of authentication are enabled or not.
      21. logo

        Add ios application to your firebase project


      22. Get your bundle id from \ios\Runner.xcodeproj\project.pbxproj file or search for PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER and you will get following result
      23. logo

      24. Enter your ios bundle id
      25. logo



      26. You have connected ios application to your firebase project successfully
      27. Now download the GoogleService-Info.plist file and replace with current.

      28. update_google_json

        SHA Fingerprint

        Info :

        SHA-1 fingerprint is a unique key generated for your PC that can be used for signing. It is important to have in the add Firebase as we are using Google Login and OTP Login, and to authorize these logins, we need a SHA Fingerprint certificate

        Add a SHA fingerprint to Firebase:

      29. Follow these steps if you didn't initially provide a SHA certificate fingerprint for your Firebase Android app or if you need to add an additional one:
        • In your Project settings, go to the Your apps card.
        • logo

        • Select the Firebase Android app to which you want to add a SHA fingerprint.
        • logo

        • Click Add fingerprint.
        • logo

        • Enter or paste the SHA fingerprint, then click Save
        • logo

        How to generate the SHA from Android Studio:

        Info :


        Enable Firebase Notification in Mobile for Both Android and iOS

        Obtain Server Key from Firebase

        1. Click on Project Overview → Settings → Cloud Messaging
        2. In Cloud Messaging API (Legacy), click the three dots and select “Manage in Google Cloud Console”
        3. logo

        4. After the page is successfully redirected, open the Firebase Console again and Refresh the Cloud Messaging tab to find the Server Key, copy that key and set it in Admin Panel
        5. logo

        6. Scroll down to the Apple app configuration section and select your iOS build identifiers used for the Specific App.
        7. You'll get an "Upload APNs Certificates" popup, then drag or select your support.p12 certificate.

        If you don't have .p12 Certificate then, First Generate .p12 Certificate. Here is guide to Generate iOS Certificate

    Payment Gateway

    Razorpay Gateway

    Welcome to Razorpay! In this guide, you will learn how to sign up for a Razorpay account and obtain API keys necessary for integrating Razorpay into your website or application.


    Razorpay is the only payments solution in India which allows businesses to accept, process and disburse payments with its product suite.It gives you access to all payment modes including credit card, debit card, netbanking, UPI and popular wallets including JioMoney, Mobikwik, Airtel Money, FreeCharge, Ola Money and PayZapp. Manage your marketplace, automate NEFT/RTGS/IMPS bank transfers, collect recurring payments, share invoices with customers – all from a single platform. Fast forward your business with Razorpay.

    Click here For more details about Razorpay payment gateway

    If you have an existing Razorpay Developer Account Log in to the account.

    Otherwise, Sign up and create a new business account.

    Obtain API Keys

    1. You have to click the link to login
    2. After that you have to click on the Account & Settings option.
    3. Select the API keys. We’ve included a screenshot below.
    4. You will click on regenerated test key then a dialog will open in which Key Id and key Key Secret be generated. We’ve included a screenshot below.
    5. NOTE

      If you close the TEST MODE switch. Then you will get Live Key Id and Key Secret.

    Add Generated Keys To Admin Panels

    Now you've successfully generated keys please navigate to Admin Panel and follow the steps mentioned below

    • Navigate to Settings → Payment Method.
    • Enable the switch for Razorpay Payment.
    • Paste Secret Key under the Secret Key field and Key Id under the App key fields.
    • Save the changes.
    Congratulations! Your Razorpay configuration is done.

    Test RazorPay

    Here we have provided some of testing credentials for App -

    If you want to add your new payment gateway then buy our paid support for the same.

    Use Only in Test Mode

    You can use these test cards to make payments in test mode only. Using these for live mode payments will throw card issuer is invalid or invalid card input error.

    Test Cards Details for RazorPay payment

    There are several test cards you can use in test mode to make sure this integration is ready. Use them with any CVC, postal code, and future expiration date.

    Card Number Expiry Date CVV Cardholder Name
    4111 1111 1111 1111 12/25 123 Test User

    Remove Razorpay Payment

  • We are recommended you to follow only second Step if you don’t know about dependency and code
  • If you want to remove Razorpay payment gateway option then follow below Steps:

    Step 1- Go to pubspec.yaml and remove the ‘razorpay_flutter: LATEST_VERSION’ from the file

    razorpay_flutter: LATEST_VERSION


    If you have to remove dependency from pubspec.yaml then hit the pub get command. now, remove the code related to razorpay_flutter.

    Stripe Payment

    Welcome to Stripe! In this guide, you will learn how to sign up for a Stripe account and obtain API keys necessary for integrating Stripe into your website or application.


    Stripe is the best software platform for running an internet business.We handle billions of dollars every year for forward-thinking businesses around the world.

    Click here For more details about the Stripe payment gateway.

    If you have an existing Stripe Developer Account, Log in to the account.

    Otherwise, Sign up and create a new business account.

    1. If your login is successful then you need to click on developer options. We’ve included a screenshot below.
    2. logo

    3. Click on the API Keys Tab. We’ve included a screenshot below.
    4. logo

    5. Here the publishable key and secret key will be generated. We’ve included a screenshot below.
    6. logo


      Here if you can see a switch with label "Test mode" which is disable but it's default value is true. Which means the keys you generated are test keys. If you go through Account Activation then you'll be able to toggle the Test Mode

    7. If you click Activate Account and complete the account activation then you can create live keys.
    8. logo

    9. Here the publishable key and secret key will be generated for live. We’ve included a screenshot below.
    10. logo

    Add Generated Keys To Admin Panel

    Now you've successfully generated keys please navigate to Admin Panel and follow the steps mentioned below

    • Navigate to Settings → Payment Method.
    • Enable the switch for Stripe Payment.
    • Paste Secret Key under the Secret Key field and Publishable Key under the App Key fields.
    • Save the changes.
    • logo


      Congratulations! Your Stripe Payment configuration is done.

      Test Stripe Pay

      Here we have provided some of testing credentials for App -

      If you want to add your new payment gateway then buy our paid support for the same.

      Use Only in Test Mode

      You can use these test cards to make payments in test mode only. Using these for live mode payments will throw card issuer is invalid or invalid card input error.

      Test Cards Details for stripe payment

      There are several test cards you can use in test mode to make sure this integration is ready. Use them with any CVC, postal code, and future expiration date.

      Name Description
      4242 4242 4242 4242 Succeeds and immediately processes the payment.
      4000 0025 0000 3155 Requires authentication. Stripe will trigger a modal asking for the customer to authenticate.
      4000 0000 0000 9995 Always fails with a decline code of insufficient_funds.

    Remove Stripe Payment

    Remove Payment
    • We are recommended you to follow only second Step if you don’t know about dependency and code If you want to remove Razorpay payment gateway option then follow below Steps: Step 1- Go to pubspec.yaml and remove the ‘flutter_stripe: LATEST_VERSION’ from the file flutter_stripe: LATEST_VERSION

    Common error

    No matching client found for package name

    • The error is "package_name" in google-services.json is not matching with your "applicationId" in app gradle.
    • Just make sure the package_name and applicationId both are same.

    Flutter SDK Not Available

    Download the SDK and point the SDK folder path in your future projects.

    There are different sources you can try

    1. You can clone it from the Github Repository
    2. Download SDK zip file + extract it after downloading
    3. You can also Download any version (including older) from here (For Mac, Windows, Linux)
    Use the SDK path in your future projects

    iOS errors

    List of common iOS issues

    Framework not found & Linker command failed with exit code 1

    If you encounter error given below

    1. framework not found flutter
    2. Linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    Before start please check your iOS deployment target in Xcode.

    Step 1 - In Mac check flutter version in your global terminal and in Android studio's terminal.

    If not same then set Flutter SDK path for Global environment -

    Setting up Flutter SDK Path Globally on macOS
    1. Open Terminal: Launch the Terminal application. You can find it in the Applications folder or search for it using Spotlight (Cmd + Space, then type "Terminal").

    2. Edit Your Shell Profile:
      • For Bash:
      • nano ~/.bash_profile
      • For Zsh:
      • nano ~/.zshrc
    3. Add Flutter SDK Path: Add the following line at the end of the file:
    4. export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/flutter/bin"

      Replace /path/to/flutter with the actual path where Flutter is installed on your system.

    5. Save Changes: Press Ctrl + O to save the file, then press Enter. Press Ctrl + X to exit the editor.
    6. Apply Changes: In the Terminal, run:
      • For Bash:
      • source ~/.bash_profile
      • For Zsh:
      • source ~/.zshrc
      • Verify the Flutter version by running the command below -
      • flutter doctor --v
    Setting up Flutter SDK Path in Android Studio on macOS

    Follow these steps to set up the Flutter SDK path in Android Studio on macOS:

    1. Open Android Studio: Launch Android Studio on your Mac.
    2. Open Preferences:
      • Go to "Android Studio" in the menu bar.
      • Then, select "Preferences".
    3. Access Flutter Settings:
      • In the left-hand pane, navigate to "Languages & Frameworks".
      • Then, select "Flutter".
    4. Set Flutter SDK Path:
      • Look for the "Flutter SDK path" field.
      • Click on the folder icon next to it.
      • Navigate to the directory where Flutter is installed on your system and select the Flutter SDK folder.
    5. Apply Changes: After selecting the Flutter SDK path, click "Apply" or "OK" to save the changes.
    6. Restart Android Studio: Close and reopen Android Studio for the changes to take effect.

    After completing these steps, Android Studio will be configured to use the Flutter SDK from the specified path. This will enable you to create, edit, and run Flutter projects seamlessly within Android Studio on macOS.

    Step 2 - run this command in terminal

    flutter clean; rm -rf Runner.xcworkspace; rm Podfile.lock; flutter pub get; pod install if still issue is not fixed then move to the next step

    If still issue is not fixed then move to the Step 3

    Step 3 - Get the new Flutter SDK from the link below and replace it with you SDK.

    Flutter SDK Archives

    PLA(Program Licence Agreement) Update

    If you the error like shown below while uploading app to Store follow the mentioned step in image.


    Solution : Follow the steps shown in Image.



    Unsupported gradle version 3.x

    Fixing "Unsupported Gradle Version" Error

    If you encounter the "Unsupported Gradle Version" error with a version number like 3.., you can follow these steps to resolve it:

    1. Open your project in Android Studio.
    2. Navigate to the android directory within your project's root directory.
    3. Wait for the project indexing process to complete in Android Studio.
    4. Once indexing is finished, run your application by selecting the Android module in your project and clicking on the "Run" button or using the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

    By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "Unsupported Gradle Version" error and run your application successfully

    If you continue to experience issues or encounter any other errors, make sure to check for updates to your Gradle version and ensure that it is compatible with your project requirements. Additionally, consult the official documentation or seek support from the Android Studio community for further assistance.


    Migrate Database issue?

    • If you are facing a problem migrating database using command the please follow the below steps.
      Go to the main directory of download project then find mightyfitness.sql file and import to the database.

    symlink() has been disabled for security reasons?

    When you get an error while run php artisan storage:link, please follow the below steps:

    Second way, just fire this command

    ln -s /home/your_application/storage/app/public /home/your_application/public/storage

    Update the existing code with new release

    Special Notes

    As per envato policy installation, setup and configurations or modification are not included in free support. Free support is only for any bug/ error in original code. we do not provide installation and customization support in FREE SUPPORT.
    Still, We are providing steps for How to update future release code to existing source code for your knowledge purpose.


    How to update future release code to existing source code

    If you want which file changes are on the latest updated version then you have to manage the git repository by yourself.

    For First time: Initial project downloaded from codecanyon server.

    Step 1: Create or login with gitlab

    Login or register your account with gitlab: https://gitlab.com/users/sign_in

    Step 2: Create a new project in GitLab
    • In your dashboard, click the green New project button or use the plus icon in the navigation bar. This opens the New project page.
    • On the New project page -> Create a blank project.

    • logo
    Step 3: Clone your project to your local system
    • 1. Once project is created on your gitlab server. You have to clone the project to your local system. You can clone it with the command line.
    • 2. git clone “repository path”
    • 3. Copy your project url and clone into your exiting system

    • logo
    • 4. Once successfully clone then system will create a folder on your system

    • logo
    Step 4: Download project from codecanyon server Step 5: Copy/paste your initial downloaded project to clone directories.

    Once successfully downloaded project from codecanyon, copy/paste your downloaded project into clone directories

    • Note
    • Only orignal source code is put here.
    Step 6: Commit and push to gitlab server

    Onces copy/paste your changes to clone directres, you have to push all files to your gitlab server. For that use the following commands.

    Before commit to server directores, you have to remove below folder from your project

    • 1. build
    • 2. .idea
    • 3. .gradle

    After That follow below steps

    • 1. Goto inside your clone directory project
    • logo
    • 2. Add your all files with “git add .” command
    • 3. Now commit your changes with below command
    • 4. git commit -m ‘initial commit’
      • Note
      • Write your latest version message instead of “initial commit”.
    • 5. Push your changes to server with below command
    • “git push” And provide you gitlab credential details

    • 6. Check your all changes to gitlab server

    For Update existing code (If Already have old version of project)


    If you remove the project from the local system then clone the project again from your gitlab server. Follow the same above Step 3: Clone your project to your local system

    Step 1: Download the latest version from codecanyon server.

    Once you will received mail for updates. Just download latest code from codecanyon server.

    Step 2: Copy/paste your initial downloaded project to clone directories.

    Once successfully downloaded project from codecanyon, copy/paste your downloaded project into clone directories


    Only orignal source code is put here.

    Step 3: Commit and push to gitlab server

    Follow same Step 6: Commit and push to gitlab server

    Step 4: Check updated files

    After committing your latest changes. Goto the gitlab project dashboard and click on the commit link.


    Click on link which you have commit message on above steps 3


    Now check the all changed file.


    Click on “XYZ changed file” to see which file has been changed.


    Change Log

    Version 7.0 – 12 Mar 2025
      Admin backend panel changes And Mobile App Change
    • New Features:
      • Added force update functionality along with update suggestions.
    • Updates & Fixes:
      • Fixed an issue with deal weight calculation. (App)
      • Added force update functionality along with update suggestions.
      • Introduced support for language keywords.
      • Updated Kotlin version to 2.0.20.
      • Added timezone selection in settings.
      • Resolved an issue in the class schedule module.
    Version 6.0 – 22 Jan 2025
      Admin backend panel changes And Mobile App Change
    • New Features:
      • Completed workout history..
      • Display workout history when the user watches the entire workout video.
    • Updates & Fixes:
      • Display user subscriptions on the admin side within the app.
      • Fix the issue with refreshing the favorite in the workout list data.
      • Resolved user weight graph issue.
    Version 5.0 – 09 Dec 2024
      Admin backend panel changes And Mobile App Change
    • New Features:
      • Schedule functionality add.
      • Language Module Add
      • Class schedule for workout class
      • Sub admin module
    • Updates & Fixes:
      • Weight picker and height picker change.
      • ChatGPT Added with pre-questions functionality
      • Steps issue fix.
      • Weight Metrix convert KG to LBS - LBS to KG.
      • General bug fixes for improved performance.

    Admin Log

    Version 4.0 - 4 Sep 2024
    • Added: In User Profile admin can view BMR, BMI and Ideal Weight (Metrics)
    Version 3.0 - 4 March 2024
    • Added: Manage Google Ads through Admin Panel
    • Added: Enable/Disable option for Subscription Settings
    Version 2.0 – 16 Oct 2023
    • Added: Quotes Module
    Version 1.0 – 14 Oct 2023
    • Initial Release

    User Log

    Version 6.0 - 2 Aug 2024
    • Flutter 3.22 support
    • Bug Fix
    Version 4.0 - 4 March 2024
    • Migrate to Flutter's latest version 3.19.x
    • Support for Android 14
    • Added: BMR and Ideal Weight
    • Added: Handle Google Ads through Admin Panel
    • Added: Fixed: Handle Text to speech and timer while playing a video
    Version 3.0 – 17 Nov 2023
    • Added: Metrics for push up
    • Added: Enable/Disable option for Metrics Settings
    • Added: Daily Reminder
    Version 2.0 – 20 Oct 2023
    • UI Enhancements
    Version 1.0 – 14 Oct 2023
    • Initial Release

    Meet Mighty Help & Support

    We like to hear you out when you get stuck or encounter difficulty with our products. As soon as you buy one of our products – you can open a support ticket and share your concern right away.

    Submit support ticket: https://support.meetmighty.com/

    Support Policy:

    It is recommended that before submitting a ticket you take a close look at product documentation technical support and assistance, you need to have a valid purchase code. You will find this when you SignIn your Codecanyon “Download” page. Click on the product’s download link.

    Please Note:

    Free support policy includes troubleshooting, technical assistance with the product only. It does not include any customization, additional features integration or concerns about third-party plugins compatibility. But, support is applied to plugin(s) we have developed and integrated ourselves. We appreciate your understanding!

    If you need assistance and information on purchased product that is not covered in documentation, post them on our support portal at https://support.meetmighty.com/ You can expect answer within 24-48 hours, usually as soon as possible in the order they were received.

    Additionally, if any support ticket has no response from the item owner for more than 7 days, that support ticket will be closed by default. However, if you need further assistance, you can create a new ticket.

    All support requests are being processed on business days (Monday to Saturday) from 9:00 to 18:00 (GMT +05.30). We are in GMT+5:30 time zone. We address all the support queries 6 days weekly on the first-come, first-solve basis (Sundays off).

    Do you have any pre-sales questions or concerns, please write to us via our website contact page or email us at [email protected]. We like getting positive feedback from our customers, and this is why we do our best to earn it! Write a review: https://codecanyon.net/downloads

    How to solve .zsh not found issue?

    Please follow one of the following methods to resolve the issue:

    Method 1:

    1. Go to finder
    2. Open your user (main) folder
    3. Press Control+Shift+. key then you will get all Hidden files
    4. Find the .zshrc file
    5. Add your Flutter SDK path
    6. Save the changes
    7. Restart your Android Studio
    8. Run the project again

    Method 2:

    1. Open your terminal
    2. Run the following command:
    3. export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/flutter/bin"

      Replace /path/to/flutter/bin with the actual path to your Flutter SDK bin directory

    4. Restart your terminal
    5. Run the project again